Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 6

166 Friday. 26th. CFA


Friday. 26th. CFA
Friday. 26th.

Morning cloudy and it threatened rain. I finished No. 4 and took the two last numbers down with me to the Office for the purpose of showing them to my father who was to be in town today. The Centinel does not publish the second number, probably waiting for the concoction of a reply, perhaps seeking for a hole to get out of the engagement. The Newspapers are all silent.

I was occupied at the Office in writing Diary and in reading a ridiculous Novel that came in my way by way of my Mother’s return to a Circulating Library, called the gentleman in black.1

My father came in and we got into conversation upon the Constitutional question. He gave me his ideas which are many and various corroborating the positions taken by me but I shall not use them at present as I wish to retain the original character of the papers.

Home to dine. Afternoon luxury and leisure. Read Thiers which I have for so long a time discontinued. The vicissitudes of the French Republic are good food when considering our own. Evening with my Wife. I felt so drowsy that I retired early. My father dined at Dr. Parkman’s and went to Quincy at 7.


By James Dalton, London, 1831, with illustrations by Cruikshank.

Saturday. 27th. CFA


Saturday. 27th. CFA
Saturday. 27th.

Day of clouds and rain. The Newspapers still defer my publishing of No. 2 and will effectually drive it out of the public mind if they continue in this manner. I was in low spirits all day. Could not strain up my mind to any thing. This is the reaction of a mode of life over stimulating. There is but little happiness out of the gentler currents of existence.

I went to the Office and was occupied in writing Diary and drawing up the Accounts for the year. My balance is perhaps too favorable. I also drew up an Acct. Current with my father for the last Quarter. Called at the Athenaeum to see Durand who has got the Picture finished of Mr. Brooks and a good likeness. He goes away in a few days. I spoke to him about the other picture of my father.

Afternoon at home. I resumed seriously the seventh volume of Thiers with the state of anarchy in France consequent upon the fall of the Jacobins. I think the Author leans a little too much on that side. But his is the only clear history I ever read. Evening at home. Conversation with my Wife. Then Mad. du Deffand and early to bed.