Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5

Sunday. 7th. CFA


Sunday. 7th. CFA
Sunday. 7th.

The day was cloudy with so much rain that in the afternoon Mr. Brooks did not attend Church. We went in the morning and heard from Mr. Stetson a Sermon from 1 John 3. 2. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.” He discussed as his subject for one half the day the question what we are, and how the sons of God; leaving the residue for the afternoon.

I read a Sermon by him preached lately upon the outrages at Charlestown. Text from 1 Peter 2. 13 to 16. “Submit yourselves unto every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king as supreme or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men; as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as servants of God.” He maintained the doctrine of Christianity to be a submission to the law, violence more especially to be foreign from it. Governments were either of men or of Laws, those of men were dangerous and despotic, those of law peaceful and moderate. Nobody here ought to complain of government for he 382had a right to a voice in changing it if unsatisfactory. The doctrine is sound but man is made blind by prosperity.

The remainder of the day I passed in reading German. This novel grew so interesting I could not leave it until after reaching the crisis.

Monday. 8th. CFA


Monday. 8th. CFA
Monday. 8th.

I went to town this morning alone. Nothing material. Busy all the morning in making up arrears which continue to press upon me. Also in accounts. Went up to my father’s buildings in Tremont Street to collect some rent of a Tenant, thence to my own house where I copied into my Letter book my missive to the Antimasons, thence again to the Office to write. Thus my time went. Home. Showery with heavy rain towards evening.

Afternoon, just as I was sitting down coolly to my reading, a Carriage drove up with company. Mrs. Sidney Brooks with Mr. and Mrs. Barclay of New York and a daughter about nine years old, and a Mr. Hood, a very Ignorant Englishman. I took no great pleasure from the visit and was glad when it was over.

Finished the German story. We were invited to spend the evening out this evening but the rain and the company prevented. Louisa being taken sick in the night made it very uneasy to us.

Tuesday. 9th. CFA


Tuesday. 9th. CFA
Tuesday. 9th.

This being a sultry morning and my child suffering severely from an attack of Cholera Morbus and subsequent fever, I arose early and took the bath to refresh myself. My spirits rather heavy from the anxiety always attendant upon sick children.

Went to town with Mr. Brooks. Received a Note from my father informing me of my mother’s sickness, and her change of intention respecting her journey this week.1 Occupied at office. Wrote arrears of Diary, and accounts, after which I tried to draught something for the Newspapers. Just as I was getting in the vein, it was time to return to Medford.

Quiet afternoon for once. Read Madame de Maintenon and Ovid. The Child’s fever appeared very much subdued though not completely. I accompanied my Wife this evening to see the Miss Osgoods, a few persons, Mrs. Angier, Elizabeth, &ca. Only an hour. Read the last Essays of Elia.2

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JQA to CFA, 8 Sept. (Adams Papers). LCA had planned to go on an excursion to Lowell on the 9th.


Lamb’s Last Essays of Elia in the London, 1833, edition was borrowed from the Athenaeum.