Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5

342 Sunday. 13th. CFA


Sunday. 13th. CFA
Sunday. 13th.

A cool, cloudy day. I read German in the morning and attended divine service where I heard Mr. Furness of Philadelphia.1 1 Corinthians 15. 32. “What advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die.” The old subject of immortality as connected with the doctrines of the Epicureans. Acts 16. 31. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house.” Faith necessary to salvation. Mr. Furness is a good reader and a sensible writer, but he wants the higher attributes of Oratory.

Sermon by Atterbury. Psalms 95. 6. “O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” External worship considered as a duty to God, to ourselves, and to others. By external worship is meant principally kneeling. I think it scarcely a duty for mechanically done it loses its value. Nevertheless it is sometimes very advantageous to the cultivation of feeling. Evening quietly at home. It rained heavily all night.


On Rev. William Henry Furness, see vol. 2:2.

Monday. 14th. CFA


Monday. 14th. CFA
Monday. 14th.

Misty and damp but it cleared away very warm by evening. I went to town with Mr. Brooks and kept myself vastly quiet at my Office. This was owing to an accident that befell my white Pantaloons which disabled me from appearing in the Street. I did not find that my father had arrived at Quincy nor had I any tidings of him. There was a call of the La Fayette Committee but I did not attend it. My morning was agreeable from it’s perfect quietness.

Returned to Medford. Afternoon very warm. Read part of Whately’s Logic and finished Ovid’s Remedy of Love. One of the best things he has written but not without his usual admixture. Evening quiet at home but no reading from the heat. More idle than ever.

Tuesday. 15th. CFA


Tuesday. 15th. CFA
Tuesday. 15th.

Morning pleasant but very warm. I went to town alone, and finding that my father had really arrived at Quincy on Sunday night, after a hurried day I started for Quincy. My time was mainly engrossed by visitors. Mr. Hurlbert talking about the Lease of the House in Court Street and Isaac Hull Adams to see me.


I found my father looking very well and quite lively. We spent the afternoon in conversation about political affairs and home affairs. He explained his opinions upon various subjects. I did not find them very different from what I had anticipated. Evening passed quietly also in the same manner.