Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

7. IX:15. CFA


7. IX:15. CFA
7. IX:15.

Weather rainy, to the Capitol, Miss Maese, Mr. Cambreleng, Mr. Storrs, hot debate,1 evening at home.


As the House of Representatives continued to debate the proposed constitutional amendment which would have changed the method of electing the President (see entries for 15 and 17 Feb., above), Churchill Caldom Cambreleng (1786–1862), a New York Representative who led the opposition to JQA’s administration, strongly advocated the amendment and, in the course of his remarks, animadverted upon the “singular eccentricity” of Henry Randolph Storrs, his New York colleague, in opposing the proposal. Storrs replied in kind, calling Cambreleng one of the “hungry expectants” who beset the government with requests for office ( Register of Debates in Congress , 19 Cong., 1 sess., 2:1543–1553).

8. IX. CFA


8. IX. CFA
8. IX.

Morning at home, finish Blackstone, Executive Record, evening, a Drawing room, W. B. Lee.

9. IX:30. CFA


9. IX:30. CFA
9. IX:30.

Morning fine, House of Representatives, Mr. Everett’s Speech, Amendment to the Constitution, effect,1 home, evening, walk.


In his first major speech in Congress, Edward Everett attacked the proposed amendment to the Constitution, holding the existing system for electing the President “a complete success.” Attempting to allay Southern fears that the electoral system might some day imperil their peculiar institution, Everett declared that he would willingly “buckle a knapsack to my back, and put a musket on my shoulder” to help Southerners put down a slave insurrection ( Register of Debates in Congress , 19 Cong., 1 sess., 2:1570–1596). CFA thought Everett’s oration contained “some strange positions” but praised it as “a very argumentative and eloquent effort” (CFA to JA, 12 Mar. 1826, Adams Papers).

10. IX. CFA


10. IX. CFA
10. IX.

Morning at home, Burlamaqui,1 walk to the Capitol, Vanderlyn’s Paintings, Ariadne, Marius,2 dinner party at home, Mr. S. C. Allen.3


JQA’s copy of Jean Jacques Burlamaqui, The Principles of Natural and Politic Law, 2 vols., London, 1784, together with a French edition published in Geneva in 1764, is in the Stone Library. A 1763 edition of the work, published in London, is among JA’s books in the Boston Public Library ( Catalogue of JA’s Library , p. 39).


Two of the most famous paintings of the American artist John Vanderlyn (1775–1852) were his nude figure, “Ariadne,” and his “Marius amid the Ruins of Carthage” ( DAB ).


Samuel Clesson Allen (1772–1842), who served as Massachusetts Representative from 1817 to 1829 ( Biog. Dir. Cong. ).

11. VIII:30. CFA


11. VIII:30. CFA
11. VIII:30.

Morning at home, Newspapers and Documents, walk, letter to Richardson,1 dinner, J. Blunt, evening party at Madame de Mareuil’s, agreeable.

