Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Thursday. 30th. CFA


Thursday. 30th. CFA
Thursday. 30th.

Pleasant morning. I finished the collection of Vaughan papers this morning, and have not found so much information in them as I expected. They are very prolix. After luncheon I walked to the Capitol 301to examine the figures lately finished in the Tympanum of the Building. The effect of them struck me very much, and on the whole, I have the impression that the front is as beautiful a specimen of modern architecture as any in the world. The figures are large, and seem remarkably well finished, particularly the figure of Justice and the Eagle which I particularly admired. On my walk I met Horace Dawes, an old friend of mine but one whom changes of circumstances and difference of situation have separated me from for many years and will continue to do so. But I am his well-wisher still. Evening quietly at home. Col. Trumbull called and sat an hour.

Friday 31st. CFA


Friday 31st. CFA
Friday 31st.

Arose this morning with a slight head ache which worried me for nearly the whole of the day. I remained at home and read some of a life of the late King of England which I took up to give me some idea of the facts which existed during the reign, and not from any merit in the work which is the production of a man named Scott.1 There was a dinner here today. I received and answered a pleasant letter from Abi which I answered in the afternoon previous to it. This is possibly the last dinner which I shall witness in this House. The Company consisted of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Porter,2 Mr. Vaughan, Mrs. St. André, Baron Krudener, Mr. Bresson, Judge Anderson,3 Sir William Eden, a young English puppy,4 Mr. Baillie, Mr. Bankhead, Doyle, Ternaux a companion of Bresson on his tour, Krehmer, Orhanda, Russians, Dr. Lovell, Mr. Lovell,5 Mr. Anderson,6 Baron Lederer,7 Mr. Richardson of Baltimore8 and this family. The dinner was a beautiful specimen of the richest of luxury. And I partook of it accordingly, after which, I went with Mr. and Mrs. Smith to Mrs. Rush’s where we passed an hour not tediously though not very agreeably. We returned early.

This is the day upon which the great Presidential question which has so long agitated the Country commences to assume a definitive result. And our family are at last to cease being the eternal subjects of contention and abuse. I am rejoiced at this, and as to the general prospect, whatever it may be, I rely with great confidence in Heaven, that in any event, it will turn out for the best.


Robert Scott (pseud. of James Robins), The History of England during the Reign of George III, 4 vols., London, 1824.


Peter Buell Porter (1773–1844), had since May 1828 been the Secretary of War ( DAB ).


Joseph Anderson (1757–1837), the First Comptroller of the Treasury ( Biog. Dir. Cong. ).


Sir William Eden (b. 1803), who was to become 6th Baronet of Windle-stone Hall in 1844 (Edward Walford, The County Families of the United Kingdom, London, 1868, p. 314).


Dr. Joseph Lovell, the surgeon-gen-302eral, and his uncle, James Lovell, of Boston (JQA, Diary, 29 Oct. 1828).


Alexander Outlaw Anderson (1794–1869), the son of the First Comptroller, who later became Senator from Tennessee ( Biog. Dir. Cong. ).


The Austrian consul (Force, National Calendar, 1828, p. 285).


Presumably George R. Richardson, a Baltimore lawyer ( Matchett’s Baltimore Directory, 1831).