Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

293 Friday. 10th. CFA


Friday. 10th. CFA
Friday. 10th.

Copied a portion of Mr. Vaughan’s papers before breakfast which now becomes later and later. So that the morning is found to be exceedingly short. Little was done in it. I took a short walk and called at Johnson’s Office where he gave me the news of the political result in Delaware, which is quite favourable.1 Returned home. This contest is now raging with the utmost violence and it is impossible to decide in which way it will result. But our hopes are now high. Received a pretty letter from Abby, and on the whole felt in pretty good spirits. Took a long ride with my Mother and Mary and in the evening the family assembled in the circular room for the first time since my arrival here.


Two-thirds of the newly elected Delaware legislature was reported to be friendly to JQA (Daily National Intelligencer, 11 Oct. 1828).

Saturday 11th. CFA


Saturday 11th. CFA
Saturday 11th.

Morning passed much as usual. A portion of it in copying and a part in company with the family. This is much the life of a drone, but it must be tolerated in the hope for improvement. Nothing new, excepting that the Banks in Boston have declared their dividends whereby I am benefitted. I ought to be there as my absence involves matters of much interest. George has not written me yet. Went the usual ride with the ladies and read some of Mr. Burke in the afternoon. We did not dine until late and so had a short evening.

Sunday 12th. CFA


Sunday 12th. CFA
Sunday 12th.

Fine clear morning but colder than usual. Copied in the morning and read a little of the Life of Columbus aloud. Nothing new. Krehmer and Watkins called upon me but had little or nothing to say. Took a ride with my Mother and Mrs. Smith as Mary was quite unwell. The time for her confinement is approaching. Wrote a long letter to Abby which was not finished when the dinner bell rung. And I was afterward obliged to hurry it. Conversation with Mrs. Smith. Affairs of our family, which seems on the whole to be the most singular in the world for Hot water seems our element.

Monday 13th. CFA


Monday 13th. CFA
Monday 13th.

Morning extremely windy and disagreeable. I did not go out of the House during the day. Occupied in copying until the mail came in when I received two letters from Abby, one from her at Boston and the other at New York. They were both extremely pleasant and the latter more especially devoted to the discussion of the matter of our marriage. 294In the afternoon I sat down and answered it fully. She seems timid on the subject and not conscious how to act, and there is something which I cannot understand influencing her. Evening quietly with my Mother.