Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Saturday. April 5th. CFA


Saturday. April 5th. CFA
Saturday. April 5th.

Wrote to my Mother1 this morning. Then to the Office. Some pages 227of Blackstone. Received another letter from my father this morning. Weather, cold with snow clouds. After dinner rode out to Quincy with George. It is now six months or more since I was last here. Found my Uncle’s family all very well. Employed in planting some Spanish Chesnuts belonging to my Father. We put down between forty and fifty of them, also some Cork oak Acorns, common oak acorns and two cherries. In George’s absence the care of them devolves upon me. Mr. Price Greenleaf will be a great assistance to us. Took tea and returned to town in a heavy shower of rain. Evening at home.


Letter missing.

Sunday. 6th. CFA


Sunday. 6th. CFA
Sunday. 6th.

Read a little Philosophy before going out to Medford. Rode out after breakfast. Weather cold and raw. Found Abby was not well. Did not go to Meeting during the day, but remained at home consulting books upon agriculture and the planting of trees. But little however can be learned from the mere theory. Practice must do the rest. Afternoon with Abby. Evening, Dr. Swann, the family physician came in. And consequently I sat but a short time with Abby.

Monday 7th. CFA


Monday 7th. CFA
Monday 7th.

Returned to town bringing Abby in my Gig with me. Morning cold and unpleasant. George had not gone. Election day. Conversation with him and Ward about his being a Candidate for the Common Council. Office, Blackstone. Afternoon, Edwards. One hour with Abby at Mrs. Frothingham’s. Julia Gorham and Anne Carter. Evening, Moot Court. Spirits rather dull. George was elected.

Tuesday 8th. CFA


Tuesday 8th. CFA
Tuesday 8th.

Wrote to my father as usual. George positively departed this morning and I took possession of his Office. But my morning was not fully occupied usefully as much of it was cut up. The elections all turned out very well yesterday. Blackstone. Afternoon, Edwards. And read a part of Hoffman’s Legal Study.1 The luckiness of my situation affects my spirits. Evening at home, Cicero and political economy.


David Hoffman, A Course of Legal Study, Baltimore, 1817.

Wednesday. 9th. CFA


Wednesday. 9th. CFA
Wednesday. 9th.

Did not rise until late this morning and did not pay so much attention to philosophy as usual. Morning at the Office. I propose to obtain 228some knowledge of the law of real actions and am therefore embracing a considerable field. Read some Chapters of Reeves much of which had escaped my memory. Went to Medford with Mr. Brooks. Family much as usual. Passed the day in conversation with Abby, and in reflection. Evening also without any thing remarkable.