Adams Family Correspondence, volume 4

John Quincy Adams to John Thaxter, 18 March 1782 JQA Thaxter, John


John Quincy Adams to John Thaxter, 18 March 1782 Adams, John Quincy Thaxter, John
John Quincy Adams to John Thaxter
Mon cher Monsieur A St. Petersbourg ce 7/18 Mars 1782

Monsieur Faleisen1 qui vous remettra ceci se proposant de partir aujourd'hui pour Amsterdam, nous a offert de prendre des lettres, mais comme il part tout subitement je n'ai que le tems de vous ecrire quelques mots, en vous priant de vouloir bien prendre soin de la lettre ci incluse.

Mais a propos, puisque j'y suis je vais vous raconter un petit voiage que nous avons fait dernierement; Il y a eu Samedi huit jours que plusieurs Messieurs et une Dame de notre connaissance, Mr. Dana et votre serviteur partimes de St. Petersbourg sur le Golfe de Cronstadt en trois traineaux pour Cronstadt, nous fumes une heure et cinquante cinq minutes en chemin, depuis onze heures moins vingt minutes jusques è un heure moins vingt cinq minutes; la distance est de 28 wersts ce qui fait 20 Milles d'Angleterre; nous dinames a Cronstadt, et nous allames voir le port, &c. mais en hiver il n'y a jamais grande chose è voir lè. Aprés diné è cinq heures et cinq minutes nous quittames Cronstadt et nous allames è Oranienbaum, ou nous arrivames en trente cinq minutes de terns le passage est de neuf wersts ou 6 1/2 Milles Anglais; Nous passames la nuit è Oranienbaum, et le matin suivant nous fumes voir le palais qui est lè. Aprés diné nous partimes d'Oranienbaum pour Peterhoff qui en est eloigné de 7 wersts ou 5 Milles. Nous mimes 35 minutes è ce trajet parceque nous le 300fimes sur la terre et non pas sur le Golfe comme le jour d'avant. Arrivés è Peterhoff nous vimes le palais qui y est. Ces Palais sont asséz magnifiques mais on n'y trouve rien d'extraordinaire. Enfin A quatre heures nous partimes de Peterhoff encore sur le Golfe et nous arrivames è St. Petersbourg, qui en est eloigne de vingt-sept wersts, en une heure et trois quarts de terns.2

Je n'ai plus de terns pour écrire, ainsi je finirai en vous assurant que je suis vôtre trés humble et trés obéissant serviteur.

P.S. Faites bien mes respects s'il vous plait è Madame Chabanel et a toute sa famille.

LbC (Adams Papers). Enclosure may have been the (missing) RC of JQA to Elizabeth Cranch, preceding, sent to Amsterdam for forwarding to America.


This name appears as “Felleisen” in JQA's Diary entry of 18 March and again in JQA's letter to JA, 20/31 March, below. He is not further identified.


JQA furnished a similarly prosy account of this outing in his Diary entries for 910 March. The lady in the party was Mme. Peyron, wife of the Swedish consul in St. Petersburg, who was himself in the company.

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 22 March 1782 JA AA


John Adams to Abigail Adams, 22 March 1782 Adams, John Adams, Abigail
John Adams to Abigail Adams
My dearest Friend Amsterdam March 22. 1782

Your humble Servant has lately grown much into Fashion in this Country. Nobody scarcely of so much importance, as Mynheer Adams. Every City, and Province rings with De Heer Adams &c. &c. &c. and if I were to judge of things here as We do in other Countries, I should think I was going to be received, at the Hague in awfull Pomp in a few Weeks.1 But I never can foresee one hour what will happen.

I have had however, great Pleasure to see, that there is a national Attachment to America, in the Body of this nation that is well worth cultivating, for there are no Allies more faithfull than they, as has abundantly appeared by their long Suffering with England.

Our Friends at Petersbourg are well. Pray God Charles may be with you.

I cant conceive what the English will do. They are in a strange Position at present. They cannot do much against America. But I hope, America will take their remaining Armies Prisoners in N.Y. and Charlestown. We must not relax, but pursue our Advantages.

The Proceedings of Rotterdam, will shew you, in the inclosed Paper, the Substance of what all the great Cities in this Republick are doing. Let Mr. Cranch translate it, and print it in the News 301papers. It is good News. You will have an Abundance of more, which will shew you, that We have not been idle here, but have sown Seeds for a plentifull Harvest. Some Folks will think your Husband, a Negotiator, but it is not he, it is General Washington at York Town who did the substance of the Work, the form only belongs to me.

Oh When shall I see my dearest Friend.—All in good Time. My dear blue Hills, ye are the most sublime object in my Imagination. At your reverend Foot, will I spend my old Age, if any, in a calm philosophical Retrospect upon the turbulent scaenes of Politicks and War. I shall recollect Amsterdam, Leyden and the Hague with more Emotion than Philadelphia or Paris.

Adieu Adieu.

RC (Adams Papers). Enclosed “Proceedings of Rotterdam,” not found, was a text, in Dutch or French, of a Petition of the Merchants, Insurers, and Freighters of Rotterdam to the Regency of that City, which was without date but which reached JA's hands about 20 March; an English translation is in Lb/JA/1708f; printed English texts are in JA's Collection of State-Papers, 1782, p. 45–46, and Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. , 5:256–257. The petition pleaded for recognition of American independence and the opening of commerce with the United States.


See below, JA to AA, 1 April, and note 4 there.