Adams Family Correspondence, volume 3

17 John Adams to Abigail Adams, 25 April 1778 JA AA


John Adams to Abigail Adams, 25 April 1778 Adams, John Adams, Abigail
John Adams to Abigail Adams
My dearest Friend Passi Ap. 25. 1778

Monsieur Chaumont has just informed me of a Vessell bound to Boston: but I am reduced to such a Moment of Time, that I can only inform you that I am well, and inclose a few Lines from Johnny, to let you know that he is so. I have ordered the Things you desired, to be sent you, but I will not yet say by what Conveyance, for fear of Accidents.

If human Nature could be made happy by any Thing that can please the Eye, the Ear, the Taste or any other sense, or Passion or Fancy, this Country would be the Region for Happiness:—But, if my Country were at Peace, I should be happier, among the Rocks and shades of Pens hill: and would chearfully exchange, all the Elegance, Magnificence and sublimity of Europe, for the Simplicity of Braintree and Weymouth.

To tell you the Truth, I admire the Ladies here. Dont be jealous. They are handsome, and very well educated. Their Accomplishments are exceedingly brilliant. And their Knowledge of Letters and Arts, exceeds that of the English Ladies much, I believe.

Tell Mrs. Warren that I shall write her a Letter, as she desired, and let her know some of my Reflections in this Country.1

My venerable Colleague enjoys a Priviledge here, that is much to be envyd. Being seventy Years of Age, the Ladies not only allow him to buss2 them as often as he p embrace them as often as he pleases, but they are perpetually embracing him.3—I told him Yesterday, I would write this to America.

RC (Adams Papers). The enclosed “few Lines from Johnny” were probably the preceding letter. This is the first letter acknowledged as received by AA from JA since his departure from America; see AA to JA, 30 June, below.


See Mercy (Otis) Warren to AA, 2 Jan., vol. 2, above, and references in note there.


Perhaps “kiss”; this word is heavily scratched out.


For JA's recollections of Franklin's agreeable mode of life among his admirers in Passy and Paris, see JA, Diary and Autobiography , 4:118–119.

John Thaxter to John Adams, 30 April 1778 Thaxter, John JA


John Thaxter to John Adams, 30 April 1778 Thaxter, John Adams, John
John Thaxter to John Adams
Sir York Town April 30th. 1778

I should have done myself the honor of addressing you before this, had I been so fortunate as to have known of opportunities previous to 18their passing. I have a prospect of sending this soon, and gladly embrace the opportunity.

Ld. North's propositions have occasioned much speculation here. Congress have expressed their opinion of them in their resolutions, which will doubtless have a good effect.1

Delusion and Division (the two old objects) appear to be the design of his lordship. As far as I have been able to see, neither the one nor the other will take place. The people at large are possessed of too much penetration to be gulled by the chicanery of him or his venal master.

The Olive Branch seems to be held out, but Sir, it rests upon the Sword. Admirals and Generals are sent to treat.2

In short, the Ability and Inability, the Hopes and Fears of his Lordship are uttered in the same breath.

Mr. Lovell will send you the papers containing the propositions and the observations of Congress. His exertions in the Common Cause and indefatigable Industry render him very useful. He is an excellent man.

I have the pleasure to inform that Mrs. A. and family are well. Agreeably to your directions I write her often. Every thing that I am allowed to mention I transmit to her.3 I think myself honoured by the Correspondence.

Please to remember me to Master John. I should have wrote to him, but the absence of my Companion occasions double duty, and leaves me scarcely time to write to a friend.

I shall be very happy in hearing of your safe arrival in France as also my friend John.

I have the honor to be with the greatest respect, your very Humle. Servt., J Thaxter Jur.

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “Mr. Thaxter”; docketed in an unidentified hand. French translation of first 5 paragraphs only (Archives Aff. Etr., Paris: Etats-Unis, Corr. pol., vol. 3) bears these notations: “Thaxter A Adams. Traduit de l'Anglois. Interceptée.” Unless RC had first been captured by the British and then recovered by the French, it is not easy to explain the term “Interceptée.” Or did the French authorities secretly inspect the American Commissioners' mail? On the other hand it would have been characteristic of JA to volunteer to the French ministry this earliest report on the reception in America of “Ld. North's propositions,” and this may, alternatively, explain the existence and location of the French version. (See also descriptive note on Isaac Smith Sr. to JA, following.) JA replied to the present letter—saying he had received it “by the Saratoga” with a “Packett of Newspapers”—in a letter dated from Passy, 10 July (LbC, Adams Papers); his reply is not included in the present volume because already printed in his Diary and Autobiography, 4:156.

19 1.

North's conciliatory proposals and bills of 19–20 Feb. were considered and unanimously rejected by Congress on 22 April ( JCC , 10:374–380). On 24 April they were printed, with Congress' resolutions, in Penna. Gazette.


A misleading rumor that was widely circulated; see Burnett, ed., Letters of Members , 3:198. The members of the Carlisle conciliatory commission who came over to treat on the basis of North's proposals were not “Admirals and Generals.”


Thus on this same day Thaxter began a longer letter to AA, which he continued on 3 May and which is not printed here, reporting much the same news but adding that “A Treaty of friendship and Alliance with France is closed. . . . They have treated with us upon the footing of equality. It was finished the 8th of Feby.” (Adams Papers).