Papers of John Adams, volume 8

To Arthur Lee

To Arthur Lee

To Edmund Jenings, 12 June 1779 JA Jenings, Edmund


To Edmund Jenings, 12 June 1779 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund
To Edmund Jenings
Dear Sir L'orient June 12. 17791

This Moment I received yours of the 16 as it is dated, but I suppose was the 10.2 You cannot imagine how much I am obliged to you for this Letter and the other of the second, and the Parliamentary Remembrancer.3 I have read the 12 Letters and am charmed with their Spirit—hope the Author will continue, for his Abilities and Temper must be of great service to our Country.

Ld. N. is probably, at his old insidious Game, of taking Advantage of 84certain Disputes, in order to propose Terms. But his Lord ship may make himself easy, for if Congress should never meet again the Seperate states, would be two much for him. Your Letter for Gen. Gates have not received nor any other Letter from you, which I have not answered, but the two mentioned above, which contain Matters of such vast Importance that I cannot enlarge upon them at present.4

I am, dear sir, yours John Adams

RC (Adams Papers); docketed: “John Adams Esqr. Recd. June 17. 1779.” LbC (Adams Papers).


In his Letterbook copy, perhaps thinking of Jenings' dating of his letter, JA wrote “L'orient June 162. 1779.”


Now dated [ca. 6] June (above). See note 1 there.


In his Letterbook, from the preceding comma, JA wrote “with and the Parliamentary Register Remembrancer.”


JA had responded at length to Jenings' letter of 2 June on 8 June (above), but then decided not to send it.