Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5

Monday. 20th.

Wednesday. 22nd.

Tuesday. 21st. CFA


Tuesday. 21st. CFA
Tuesday. 21st.

Heavy rain for the first time. The wind from the eastward, but it became gradually warmer notwithstanding. I passed my morning at home and somewhat idly. Part of it was devoted to thinking over the remaining portion of the task respecting. Anti-Masonry. The Advocate has resumed the publication of my numbers.1 And I feel as if the hand once put to the plough, the whole field ought to be finished. Yet the success of the pieces is not such as to make one feel particularly desirous to continue. I have failed in all my attempts. I have written carefully and laboriously, far more so than most young men of my age, yet I have found no one disposed to allow me credit for it, and all throwing obstacles which act in my mind as a delicate hint that I am not wanted. Is inaction under such circumstances a reproach? Do I make it an excuse for indolence, or is it really a justification. That is a question to consider. Afternoon, Read a little of M. Burtin upon Painting, whose theory I do not quite like,2 and worked in the Garden. Quiet evening at home.


Of the nine antimasonic articles which CFA had written for the Boston Daily Advocate in late 1832 and early 1833, six had been published in December and January under the title “A Brief History of the Masonic Outrages in New York” (see vol. 4:404–431passim, and above, entries for 1–18 Jan. passim). The Advocate had resumed publication of the series on 14 May with No. 7, No. 8 on the 17th, and No. 9 on the 21st (each occupying cols. 1 and 2 of p. 2), all bearing the title “History of the Morgan Abduction” and the signature “F” (see vol. 4:350).


Traité théorique et pratique des connoissances des tableaux by François Xavier de Burtin, 2 vols., Brussels, 1808, is in MQA.