Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4

Monday. 8th.

Wednesday. 10th.

Tuesday. 9th. CFA


Tuesday. 9th. CFA
Tuesday. 9th.

Morning cloudy with rain in showers and the air very sultry. I passed an hour in pursuing my Catalogue of Pamphlets and went to the Office. I was there occupied in my usual business of the Bible letters. Finished the fifth. Judge Hall called in. He mentioned to me the Pamphlet which had been published by Farmer and asked if my Mother had seen it. I said, no. He thought it advisable that if possible it should be kept from her. I have my doubts. For should a sudden unexpected disclosure take place, it would affect more than if we prepared her.

I went to the Athenaeum where I sat down and read the History of the United States in the Cabinet Cyclopedia,1 a most impudent book which I feel vehemently anxious to criticize. Returned home. Expected Mr. Frothingham to dine but he disappointed us.

Afternoon writing a little upon the History of the United States, but could not please myself. Turned to one or two of the Letters of Caelius, almost discouraging by their obscurity. Evening at home excepting a short walk. Mr. Frothingham spent half an hour with us.2 Writing and the Spectator.


Henry Fergus, History of the United States is contained in vols. 103–104 (1830–1832) of Rev. Dionysius Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopaedia, 133 vols., London, 1830–1849.


Mrs. Frothingham had borne a daughter, their first, on 29 July (LCA to Mrs. JA2, 11 Aug., Adams Papers).