Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4
Morning cloudy with a warm South Wind. I read Aeschines, making quite good progress, and went to the Office. My time was much wasted, by attention to the repair of Mr. Welsh’s Office, by attending at the Probate Office to pass my Account which was postponed on account of the re-opening of the Commissions. All these things are perhaps necessary occupations but they involve a monstrous consumption in proportion. I had intended going to Quincy but the rain began about noon and continued all the rest of the day. Mr. Farrar came from Quincy and left me an Account to collect.1 A trifle of law business.
Afternoon spent in reading the Oration pro domo sua, in which I progressed but my way of reading was superficial with a translation. The Spring brings with it to me a strong disinclination to hard study. And perhaps immediately after dinner is the most indifferent time for it. I always feel disposed to write in the Spring, and am now in some degree meditating what I can do in that way.
Evening, reading Captain Parry and the unfortunate result of the third voyage. It seems almost a pity for he had some prospect of discovery if not of finally attaining his purpose. Finished the first Volume of Franklin and read two Numbers of the Spectator.
Probably Isaac Farrar, who rented land from JQA in Quincy; see entry for 5 July, below.