Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 3

Wednesday. 30th.

Friday 2d.

Thursday. July 1st. CFA


Thursday. July 1st. CFA
Thursday. July 1st.

Morning to town. Mr. Frothingham accompanied me. We agree very well on all subjects excepting political ones. He is much of a Tory. Astonishing how far these opinions and principles have crept into the instructed Classes of New England. How much the days of old are forgotten. Yet what can this Nation depend upon the moment it leaves those stays which have carried them hitherto through all trials.

I sent out my Quarterly Accounts, and received money from two of the Tenants in Court Street. Mr. Alexander H. Everett called to leave a package for my father. He talked a little while and looked at the Office opposite which he wished to have to hire. I hope he will take it, and for that purpose made the price moderate. Mr. Degrand came to offer me some Atlas Shares at 3 per Cent. Dividend which is 4 per cent off. I declined them but offered to take some Fire and Marine Shares if he could get them as high as two and a half. This is a bad speculation unless some change takes place in the affairs of the Company, which I think will happen, besides there being a considerable amount of Danish claims. These two things will probably run the Stock up when I can sell if I incline. In the mean time I sell out of the American Bank.


Returned to Medford and read Winthrop. Mr. Jonathan Brooks and Chardon Hall1 made a short visit in the Evening.


Peter Chardon Hall (b. 1809), youngest son of the Nathaniel Halls (Brooks, Medford , p. 548).