Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 1

Monday. June 7th. V:45.

Wednesday. June 9th. VI.

Tuesday. June 8th. V:15. CFA


Tuesday. June 8th. V:15. CFA
Tuesday. June 8th. V:15.

Arose and after reading two Chapters in Genesis, attended Prayers, after which I looked over the Review of Enfield which was set us as a preparation for Examination. I was not at Cambridge while it was learnt so that I could make but little of it. I was not called upon however. After breakfast I wrote my Journal and employed the Morning as well as I could. We have news of a call of the Legislature of New York and the probable consequence a change of the Electoral law. I doubt this latter event very much though.1 Politics are assuming more an appearance of action and less of Newspaper controversy than formerly.

We had no lesson for the morning as a miss is always given at the Commencement of a book. We now begin Trigonometry a part of 175Mathematics from which I would willingly be excused as it will be impossible for me to understand an advanced branch not knowing the previous steps. I did not attend today and regret it because I might have had an opportunity of speaking to him which I may not now obtain. I read the poems of the two Wartons2 today and was much pleased with the sprightliness of the verse and its melody. The younger is the finer poet of the two although I think there is not very material difference. I like the short and rapid verse in which they write, very well. The ode to Melancholy is a sweet thing and describes feelings which to me are well known and which certainly are the sweetest or pleasantest that man here enjoys. They destroy him in life but certainly they are the most delicious for an epicure in mind that he can indulge in.

In the afternoon it being very warm I took some Porter and lounged the afternoon most lazily away, Richardson being here also. It was from the same reason that the morning was as we went to Dr. Popkin for a lesson in Greek Testament with which we close our Greek studies at Cambridge. I then went to Brenans where I spent an hour conversing concerning the character of different individuals at Cambridge. We were talking principally of Miller3 when the gentleman made his appearance. After some trivial talk, I came away and did nothing at my room until Prayers. After these I walked to Fresh Pond with a number of our house. The New hotel is very prettily situated and would make quite a sweet summer habitation. Returning, I spent an hour at Otis room talking then came down, read two Chapters in the Bible and went to bed after having spent one day in almost utter idleness. I am quite ashamed to insert such a notice here. X:15.


The critical New York legislature was almost evenly divided between the supporters of JQA and Crawford, with Clay’s friends holding the balance of power. Admonishing his New York followers not to make any deals, JQA urged them to delay the legislature’s decision as long as possible, so that pro-Adams sentiment could gather, and to work for a new election law, which would allow the people to vote directly for the state’s electors. For an earlier report on the New York political situation, see entry for 25 Jan., above.


Joseph Warton (1722–1800) and Thomas Warton (1728–1790).


William Miller, of Philadelphia, a junior ( Harvard Annual Cat., 1823).