Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8

Monday 3d.

Wednesday 5th.

Tuesday 4th. CFA


Tuesday 4th. CFA
Tuesday 4th.

Fine day. Morning to town. Afternoon at home. Evening at the Mansion.

This is the first clear day we have had for some time, and this was disfigured by a cold East wind which set in at noon. I went to town where not having much to do but to perform some commissions, I occupied myself with filing up my vouchers for the last three months and arranging my books, in advance for the annual balance.

Home. Afternoon superintendance of work and Lucan B. 5. 300–420. Evening at the Mansion, nothing remarkable to record. Our present life is more quiet even than it is in Boston. Hitherto in the midst of bad weather we have been troubled with exceeding few interruptions. Yet considering this I do not study as much as I ought. Knowledge is the one thing needful.