Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8

Saturday 23d.

Monday 25th.

Sunday. 24th. CFA


Sunday. 24th. CFA
Sunday. 24th.

Day pleasant. Exercises as usual. Evening at Mrs. Quincy’s.

I am working upon my papers respecting the currency in order to get them out of the way of Burr. But they do not suit me. And the public mind is now so entirely taken up with the threatening aspect of affairs at the Eastward as to make publication at present quite inexpedient.

Attended divine service and heard Dr. Frothingham preach from Ephesians 3. 21. “Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end.” A very sensible and beautifully composed discourse upon the necessity of a visible church and the preservation of external observances, together with the duties inculcated by its ministers, of attention to religious feeling and not to extravagant fanaticism.

Mr. Young gave us in the afternoon from Hebrews 11. 13. “These confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” A noisy sermon upon the vanity of earthly pleasures and occupations. Mr. Young writes well but thinks wordily.

Read a discourse by Archbishop Tillotson. Psalm 119. 59. “I thought on my ways and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.” Upon the necessity of reflection and consideration of religious truth. A good sermon.

Called to see Mrs. Josiah Quincy in the evening. Found her a little nervous, but had a pleasant evening enough.