Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8

Tuesday 20th.

Thursday 22d.

Wednesday 21st. CFA


Wednesday 21st. CFA
Wednesday 21st.

Clear day but cool. Morning to Quincy. Return to dinner. Evening at home.

Immediately after breakfast, my father accompanied me to Quincy. 144After an hour’s stay at the house where every thing looked cheerless enough we went down to Mount Wollaston on the reference as to bounds which had been agreed upon. Mr. French came late but the Surveyor and other parties were present and we proceeded. No more vexatious affair could occur. The whole thing was cheerless in the extreme, and I was glad to hurry off my father to make good his engagement to dine at Governor Everett’s. As it was, we did not get there until half an hour after the time. No body present but the various members of the family and I. P. Davis. The dinner was pleasant and we stayed late. My father then went to a club and I stayed at home. Difficulty again in writing.