Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8
Cold and clear. Morning spent almost entirely in working at the garden with Kirk, superintending the various little improvements I wished to be made. This is after all the only way of gaining satisfaction with us. For directions are rarely executed in full.
But an hour of reading Afterwards. Afternoon devoted to riding, ac-104companied by my boy John. Evening Tea at my Mother’s and walk to Mrs. T. B. Adams’ to see her and the family. Thus I have no very material account of progress in study to give.
My reading of Lessing was interrupted as I found that the second part of the Laocoon was never completed and what remains of it is in small fragments, hardly to be retained in the memory if read. The ride was cold and so was the evening. Mrs. Angier and Mr. E. P. Greenleaf were at Mrs. Adams’ besides the two families.