Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8
Rather warm with a heavy shower in the Afternoon. One hour passed in work, the remainder of the morning excepting that portion taken up by P. C. Brooks Jr. before his departure. Afternoon work and study also. Evening spent at the Mansion.
I continued Locke’s Argument against innate ideas p. 40–76 and finished it. I am not satisfied with it and nevertheless should be troubled to answer the reasoning. Perhaps I should complain of a want of method in not defining what ideas are first and then proving that they are not innate. Then what is an innate idea? Do we get them all from mere sensation? I cannot believe this. The reasoning faculty seems to be above the senses. But we shall see. Continued Lessing p. 336–374. Also Lucretius 303 to 425 l, B. 2. A poetical account of the doctrine of atoms.
My father went to Cambridge to attend the exercises of the ΦΒΚ and did not return until late. Nothing new.