Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8

Saturday 21st.

Monday 23d.

Sunday 22d. CFA


Sunday 22d. CFA
Sunday 22d.

An agreeable, cool day. I devoted some time to writing on my project which I fear I shall not satisfactorily execute. Then attended divine service and heard Dr. Parkman of Boston preach from, the extract too long to quote. And my attention was not well fixed so that I can not give much account of it. Afternoon. 1. Timothy 2. 2 “That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” A good practical discourse upon the duty of religion and good faith in the details of life, together with a direct application to economical habits which would have suited the meridian of Boston on Tuesday next at the dinner to Mr. Webster to a charm.

Afternoon, having finished the volume of Sermons of Mr. Buckminster I began in continuation of my practice, the first volume of a Collection called the English Preacher,1 with a Sermon by Bishop Tillotson. Philippians 3. 8. “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” The excellence of the Christian Religion as a law for the regulation of our lives to secure happiness both here and hereafter. A good sensible but as it appeared to me not a very powerful discourse. In the evening at the house where were assembled many of the society of the town.


JQA’s copy of The English Preacher, 9 vols., London, 1773, is in MQA.