Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8
Fine day. I remained at home all the morning with the exception of a walk down to the Mansion. I made some progress in my undertaking although I feel very much the want of more precise information. This must be procured at some rate or other, or I cannot go on. Continued my labour upon the MSS copy which grows more and more interesting and important.
Afternoon, Pliny’s Letters to Trajan and the replies. They give one a very favorable opinion of that Emperor. Short, and direct, they contrast favorably with the more effeminate style of Pliny.
Intelligence was brought that my father had arrived so I went down to see him and converse with him. He seems better than I expected but complains of exhaustion. No wonder. Returned home to tea and then down in the evening. W. Lee there.1 After a conversation until nearly ten, home.
William Lee was an old friend of JQA’s, from their years in diplomacy; see vol. 3:355.