Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8

Tuesday 15th.

Thursday 17th.

Wednesday 16th. CFA


Wednesday 16th. CFA
Wednesday 16th.

The heat of the Theatre last night made my head ach and I got up with it which made a bad prospect for me for the day. I of course tried to go out to get the benefit of the air. Called on the way to see Madame Caradori, found her not yet up but saw her husband, then left a card for Mr. Cushing and went on to the Capitol.

A speech from Mr. Hoffman, attacking the South Carolinians, then a plain, sensible address from Mr. Jones of Virginia on the Administration side, to which Mr. Wise made a reply. Hoffman is a mere declaimer, but I think Wise may become a great man if he tries to learn wisdom by experience. The interest in the debate appeared to flag a little and my head disabled me from relishing as much of it as I otherwise should.

At four I left Wise speaking to return home. The sun was scorching, and upon my reaching the house I felt much exhausted by the fatigue. My system has become so accustomed to the bracing cold of our Eastern Atmosphere that the enervating influence of this air is almost intolerable.

After dinner, the ladies went in the carriage and I accompanied them to Mr. Frye’s where the members of the family were assembled, excepting my father who was detained until too late at the Capitol and my mother unwell. We had cards and then a pretty Supper and music from I. Hull and Campbell, after which we went home.