Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7
Morning clear. Office where I was occupied but little. Read some of Sismondi’s Political Economy which appears to me to have in it some of the views I have been labouring elsewhere to find but they do not exist with the English writers who are general systematizers. I a little regret I have not been able to give to this work more studied and continued attention.
Home after lounging half an hour at Little’s bookshop. Began Sophocles Oedipus of Coloni, a play said to have been written by him at a very advanced age, and read in refutation of a charge that he had lost his mind.
Afternoon, Mr. Brooks called for me to go with him to Medford and I seized the opportunity to call upon Mrs. Adams who appears but little improved from when I last saw her. Returned to town to tea. Evening at home. Read four Cantos of Scotts Lay of the last Minstrel to my Wife. After which I read Potter. My boy John still unwell.