Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7

Friday 29th.

Sunday. 31st.

Saturday 30th. CFA


Saturday 30th. CFA
Saturday 30th.

Delightful weather for the season. I went to the Office where I had calls from T. Adams Jr. and W. Spear both on business. I paid them the sums due for Taxes on my father’s property and to redeem a Note of mine coming due next week.

The remainder of my time taken up in making up packets of my Pamphlet. I have sent away about fifty or sixty. The publisher tells me he has sold some, but he tells me no more, therefore this means a few. 371I am not destined to make much out of this business of the Currency and although I cannot regret what I have written about it, I believe I shall give it up for the future.

Herodotus and afternoon lounging over the Correspondance which is dull. Evening at home. Mrs. Frothingham and Mrs. Everett came in and passed an hour pleasantly enough. Nothing further.