Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7

Saturday. 9th.

Monday. 11th.

Sunday 10th. CFA


Sunday 10th. CFA
Sunday 10th.

Snowy day. After a little reading of coins, I attended divine service and heard Mr. Frothingham in the morning from Matthew 23. 23. “These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” A discourse upon the duties of Christians, not merely of the weighty sort but of that more retired and less noisy kind in which moderation finds its source. I thought the discourse had an evident bearing upon the questions which now come up so thick in connexion with the great subject of slavery. There is much in connexion with that deserving of profound consideration. The line between duty and fear.

Mr. Walsh dined with me. Afternoon, Mr. Ripley. Hebrews 1. 14. “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” Mr. Ripley is so very dull a preacher that it is altogether out of my power to attend to him.

Afternoon, a discourse of Sterne. Ecclesiastes 12. 13. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.” A review of the arguments of this book, and of the folly of resting upon any source of hap-360piness in this world not connected with the preparation for the next. Evening at home. T. K. Davis came in for an hour, the remainder of the evening alone. Crantz.