Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7

Monday. 10th.

Wednesday 12th.

Tuesday. 11th. CFA


Tuesday. 11th. CFA
Tuesday. 11th.

A beautifully clear and fine morning, which I took advantage of to start for Quincy with Mr. Walsh. We arrived at the House by nine o’clock and I went directly up the hill to observe what they might be doing. I found less change from last Friday than I had expected. Mr. Spear had not yet come upon the ground at all which was rather a disappointment. Kirke was working hard upon removing the ground and the framers much where they were.

After loitering about doing little or nothing for an hour, I concluded to go over to the Quarries and see what they were about. Found them very busy at Hardwick’s and Dutton’s, but doing nothing at Colburn’s, and Chadwick wishes to surrender his Lease. I had some little commissions for the active men which being performed I returned and then to Boston which we reached before one o’clock. This is the agreeable way at this season of the year.

Home to read Homer. Afternoon Burnet a little, then Plutarch and 222afterwards Agathon. My wife went to Medford with her father and did not return until late. So we did not read. Afterwards writing to Mr. Johnson.1


To T. B. Johnson, 12 April, LbC, Adams Papers, an addendum to the letter of the 10th.