Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7

Friday. 18th.

Sunday. 20th.

Saturday. 19th. CFA


Saturday. 19th. CFA
Saturday. 19th.

Morning pleasant. Office where I had a great many people. Mr. Spear from Quincy came in and talked upon various topics. He has pretty nearly done his work for me and now wants pay which I agreed to give him, next Saturday when he brings in his bill. Mr. Sparrell also came in for his money for the plan of the House and I thought his charge not excessive. Mr. A. H. Everett came in and we discussed the present state of affairs. He does not seem as much depressed as I 133should have expected but he appears to look at the future with much perplexity.

It now seems probable that New Jersey has gone against Mr. Van Buren which would have been a serious loss had it not been overbalanced by the gain of North Carolina. Such is the singular state of the public mind at present upon this question that there is no judging from previous impressions.

Mr. Walsh also came in and Mr. Robbins a lumber dealer who wished me to advance him the price of some plank my carpenter bought for me. I did not much care about doing it as I had not the money, but I offered to do it if he would discount two per cent from the face of the bill, which he refused.

Home. Livy. Afternoon, Grahame, and evening writing. My Wife still up in her room, and mostly in bed. We hear today of the critical state in which Mrs. Robins lays since her confinement.