Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7

Wednesday. 31st.

Friday 2d.

Thursday Septr. 1. CFA


Thursday Septr. 1. CFA
Thursday Septr. 1.

Morning to town. An exceedingly unpleasant day, there being a high wind and quantities of dust. Called to see Mrs. Frothingham twice but without success. Spent a part of my day at the Office where I was somewhat occupied. I do not know what there is in this kind of life but it appears to me as if I was always in a hurry. A visit from old Rufus Davis, my Revolutionary Pensioner client who was more unreasonable than ever. I dread to see him come in as he consumes time and gives no pleasure. He is always in trouble about his certificate and never tells a very clear story as to the origin of it.1 I got rid of him and had Mr. Walsh and others.

As Mr. Ayer did not come according to agreement I went out without him, suffering much from the ride. He followed me soon after dinner and we spent the afternoon in arranging the bounds of the lot and the precise location of the house. Having fixed all the points which I deemed necessary previous to my setting out, we walked down to the lumber yard on the Canal and there made the necessary inquiries respecting what they could supply. Upon comparing their prices 84with those furnished to me from Boston, I found them much more reasonable and quite as good in quality. I therefore made up my mind to get nearly all my supply from there. The conferences and the work took up so much of the time that it was quite late in the evening when I got home. Nothing further material.


CFA had taken Rufus Davis as a charge at the request of JQA; see vol. 3:96, 97, 127, 130.