Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7

Tuesday 16th.

Thursday. 18th.

Wednesday 17th. CFA


Wednesday 17th. CFA
Wednesday 17th.

A very pleasant day. I remained in the Country and after writing a little of my Diary, for the first time felt myself authorized to enter upon some of my regular occupations. Read ten sections or chapters in the twenty fifth book of Livy which gave me a singular gratification. I felt as if I was coming back to something like literary tastes. This is a beginning I hope of better things. Walked up to the Bank for the purpose of procuring a Certificate of the Stock held by my father and myself and returned over the hill which is a pleasanter walk. The scene looked charmingly.

I resumed also today the prosecution of the arrangement of the Manuscript papers, and looked over a file of the letters of Mrs. Adams into which it will be very difficult to introduce any thing like order. But the records of this remarkable woman are amusing. She was a natural genius and from her very clearly my father inherits his imaginative turn.1 Her biography is the only one likely to survive the stormy period of the Revolution. Evening quietly at home.


CFA’s enthusiasm for his grandmother’s qualities as a letter-writer had been and would be of long duration; see vol. 4:70.