Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 6

Thursday. October 1st.

Saturday. 3d.

Friday. 2d. CFA


Friday. 2d. CFA
Friday. 2d.

My child Louisa feels the separation from her little cousins exceedingly. And I am more affected by the manifest effect of it upon her spirits than by my own feelings. I went to the Office and occupied myself as much as possible with the Accounts of the Quarter as well as putting up and sending away many of my Pamphlets. I send one to the President without any name. One to the editor of the Centinel, and one to T. K. Davis. I must send to the Senators all of them.

My paper does not sell. I was a fool to suppose it would. I must send them at my own cost. The public taste is not for constitutional controversies, and especially from my source. The Community discourage talent when connected with great name. I must submit to this fate with a good grace. My conscience is free if I can say with truth that I have striven as few young men in my place would have done.

Home. Afternoon, work in my study upon arranging my grandfather’s papers. Some of these must be dispatched as early as practicable. I also took a copy of Mr. Jefferson’s Opinion upon the President’s power of appointment, a most valuable paper.

Evening. Went to the Theatre and heard Mr. and Mrs. Wood in the Barber of Seville. I have seen this piece amazingly often and yet enjoy it almost as much as ever. Their singing would make almost any thing pleasant. The cast of the piece much as usual excepting that a Mr. Brough whom the Woods have brought out with them played Basil and filled up the part as has not before been done. He is a good bass singer.1 The concerted pieces were given with great effect, and the Orchestra played in excellent time. On the whole, much gratified. Home before ten.


When the Woods returned to New York to open the theatrical season in September, they had strengthened their company by the addition of a competent third singer, W. F. Brough. Good enough, he created no sensation (Odell, Annals N.Y. Stage , 4:51–52). The company’s Boston engagement had begun the evening before (Columbian Centinel, 3 Oct., p. 2, col. 3).