Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 6

Friday. 10th.

Sunday. 12th.

Saturday. 11th. CFA


Saturday. 11th. CFA
Saturday. 11th.

I called to see Mr. Griggs this morning but as he was not yet prepared I postponed a definitive settlement until Monday. My time was a good deal taken up at the Office with business matters. Mr. Spear from Quincy called and paid me a good deal on Account for rent and his Note, and I talked with him upon matters connected with Agency affairs there. Nothing of consequence further. Took a walk. Afternoon at home. Read one of the Nouveau Contes de Marmontel, La Villée.1 It is pretty and has all the peculiar naivetée of that Author’s style. But it is not so lively. It has none of the grave air of the times in which it was written. I had read it repeatedly before but my recollection was not perfectly distinct. Evening at home. Nothing new. Wilhelm Meister.


In vol. 24 of the Oeuvres complètes, Paris, 1787–1805, borrowed from the Athenaeum.