Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 6
Morning milder. I went to the Office after reading a Chapter upon Kotzebue. Time taken up in reading the Papers relating to Harvard University and in continuing my sketch of an argument upon their affairs. This amuses me but I am very doubtful whether I shall bring much to bear upon it. The thing will require a vast deal of labour.
Walk as usual. Ovid. Finished the fourth book of the Fasti which is the longest and contains several snatches of pretty poetry. Afternoon divided between papers and the Baron de Grimm, whose criticism is generally caustic. He led the life of a literary idler and purveyor for the tables of others. He chewed meat for royal personages to digest.
Evening read Vathek, an oriental story by Mr. Beckford.1 An amusing thing full of extravagance and yet not without point. W. G. Brooks and his wife spent the evening. Mr. Brooks out at the Theatre. Spirits middling. I read much of the Psalms and find a vast deal of encouragement in their cheering words.
Borrowed from the Athenaeum.