Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5

Sunday. 2d.

Tuesday. 4th.

Monday. 3d. CFA


Monday. 3d. CFA
Monday. 3d.

Cooler than it has been. I went to the Office, and passed my time as usual not to much purpose. I have been meditating some change by which I could appropriate my time to better profit but as yet can hit upon nothing. I spend some time after breakfast now in reading the Annual Register for 1832. It is very interesting from its describing what may fairly be considered as having been a moment of crisis in Great Britain. Walk. Afternoon, made progress in Dubos and the Adelphi of Terence.

My Wife went down to her father’s and I joined her in the evening. It was a little birth day notice for Mrs. Everett’s eldest child Anne. Several children and Mr. and Mrs. Frothingham with a Mr. Bierly an Englishman seeking his fortune in business among the crowd at New York. The evening from the noise and bustle was not agreeable. I moreover had a head ache—An unpleasant reminiscence which I have escaped from for a considerable time. Returned home very early.