Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5
A very lovely day. I went to the Office and occupied myself in writing and reading. Made some progress in the Parliamentary Debates. These were at that time acrimonious enough and remind me much of the state of things at Washington. This is not becoming one particle better but the excessive pressure is going off from the commercial men. Perhaps this will have an effect upon the decision of the present question. What ever that may be, the General will do nothing to aid the distressed community. He relies for his popularity upon far different people.
Took a walk and dined with Mr. Brooks. Nobody there but my wife and myself. Tolerably pleasant. Returned home to tea. Evening Emilie de Coulanges, and German. I translate into English each Fable of Lessing in the German reader. The Child is as restless, and uneasy as ever. Our nights are disturbed.