Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5

Saturday. 31st.

Monday. 2d.

Sunday. September 1. CFA


Sunday. September 1. CFA
Sunday. September 1.

The morning was cloudy with a shower, but it afterwards cleared away quite cool. I was occupied all day that was not taken up by my regular duties in indexing the letters and concluded two Volumes to take into town tomorrow.

Attended divine service and heard Mr. Whitney preach. One Sermon upon doctrinal points and one commonplace upon death. I cannot interest myself at all in his discourses and therefore do not often pursue them.

Read a Panegyric of Massillon’s upon the Prince of Conty which is exceedingly happy. He considers his subject first as a military hero, second as a private citizen, third, as a learned man, coupled with religion. How far Monsieur le Prince deserved his exalted character, it is not for me to determine. Perhaps there is as much necessity to look behind the scenes in death, as at any other time of mortal history. His text which I do not insert from it’s length, was from the Wisdom of Solomon 8. 10.11.13. In the evening, Mr. Beale and his daughter came in to spend an hour.