Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 5

Sunday. 7th.

Tuesday. 9th.

Monday. 8th. CFA


Monday. 8th. CFA
Monday. 8th.

The morning was cloudy with occasional showers of rain. I went to town and was occupied much of my time first in a walk to my House, next in business and accounts at my Office, third in an hour wasted at the Athenaeum. I also read a Chapter or two in Marshall.

As it was my day to stay in town, I dined with Mr. Frothingham very quietly. Afternoon. Attended a Meeting of the Directors of the Boylston Market Association. There was a Quorum for once and they passed upon two or three bills that were presented. The rest of the time was taken up in conversation. These are good men to talk.

We had a thunder shower during the time. After it was over, I rode to Quincy and found my father somewhat better and my Mother not very well. Solitude and want of amusing occupation are a little too much for them. I hope, I may find not so much stimulus in the active scenes of life, as to lose all enjoyment in those that are passive.

The evening was passed in conversation and reading aloud the Article in the North American Review upon Phrenology. It is by Dr. G. Bradford. He resisted the fever very imprudently, when it was at it’s height.1 Read the numbers of the Observer.


Presumably the “fever” over phrenology.