Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4
Fine day. I went to town early and was occupied the whole morning in attending to matters of business. It being Quarter day, I was obliged to give the finishing to the old Quarterly Account and to pre-372pare my books for the new one. I then went to draw the Dividend of the Boylston Insurance Co. and was engaged in receiving and paying money the rest of the time. On the whole a pretty busy time.
Returned to Quincy to dinner. Found that the ladies had been also to town, and brought out with them Miss Julia Gorham to pass a few days. In the Afternoon I went down to the Creek to try after some smelts. But the Season is not yet sufficiently advanced. The fish will not bite until the frosts come pretty sharply. My Afternoon however was consumed.
Evening, I walked up to Mrs. T. B. Adams’ to make my usual payments, and to pass an hour. Elizabeth was sick. Returned before nine o’clock. Evening, read a little of Lingard.