Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4

Wednesday 12th.

Friday. 14th.

Thursday. 13th. CFA


Thursday. 13th. CFA
Thursday. 13th.

Fine morning. The weather is clear and cold. I am fearful the crop of Corn will not ripen. Passed my morning mostly in the Garden attending to my portion of it, the Raspberry and Strawberry vines. These will probably next year produce to us a full and fine quantity of fruit. I have done a good deal in my way and my exertions 362so far have been pretty well rewarded, somewhat unlike my father who has planted without definite plan, is encroaching on all sides upon his last resort, a garden, and in spite of perpetual losses finds himself embarrassed with trees which he knows not where to place with any prospect of ultimate existence. And yet he goes on and on adding to his difficulties, until the end of it will probably be a wild scheme engrossing a good deal of valuable farming land, only to terminate in complete failure of the whole. This is my present impression. My mind does not know the theoretical any farther than as it clearly guides to a practical end. No stumbling along in the dark.

I went with my Wife to Boston where she left me to spend an hour, and walk over to our common destination, Charlestown, which I did with Sidney Brooks. A family dinner party at Mr. Everett’s, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Frothingham, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brooks, Miss Davis1 and ourselves. The dinner was a very pleasant one and ended in good time to have some singing from Miss Davis afterwards. We returned home to Quincy at five and reached it by sunset after having enjoyed ourselves very much. Mr. Everett has a very genteel manner of entertaining.

Quiet evening at home. Read a little of Dr. Granville and being slightly heated I retired pretty early.


Maria, daughter of the Charles A. Davises of New York City (JQA, Diary, 29 Oct.).