Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4

Tuesday. 27th.

Thursday. 29th.

Wednesday. 28th. CFA


Wednesday. 28th. CFA
Wednesday. 28th.

Morning cool but clear. I went to the Office after my progress in Virgil which has now become so regular that I shall omit noticing it every day. My time was taken up with affairs. Let my House again at an advanced rent1 so that it is an ill wind that blows no good. A proverb embodying as much truth as any of them. I read a little of Gibbon but was interrupted by Mr. Gourgas from Quincy who came upon the subject of my letter. He talked and the result of it was that I was very little pleased with the tone of the family. If I was the manager of these concerns, they should have Justice and nothing more. I did not take any walk today.

Afternoon. Mr. Brooks having dined here and taking up a considerable time, I passed the rest in my pursuit of Spanish and Italian. This last is coming easier to me. I read two or three pages without difficulty. I shall have made no trifling acquisition if I can succeed in mastering these two languages. Indeed I consider myself already as knowing Spanish pretty well.

Evening, continued reading aloud Eugene Aram. Bulwer has a great deal of talent, but he is extravagant, and frequently takes for sublime what is only unnatural. I made some progress in the Life of Napoleon, and read a little of Paley’s Evidences of Christianity. A little of this kind of study is always beneficial. And this is a simple exposition which puts to the rout, all Gibbon’s insidious deductions and miserable sarcasms.


E. A. Hovey was the new occupant of the tenement vacated by Graves the day before; the new rent was set at $140 a year, an advance of $8 (M/CFA/3).