Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4
I cannot give a very good account of myself this morning. A considerable time was taken up in Marketing which I do generally once a week for the whole of the succeeding one. And my purchases seem to me to grow on a larger scale every day. At my Office, I pursued my usual exercises, and had one or two interruptions from bills. I also went down to see my friends Davis and Quincy to ask them to dine with me but found only the former. I then took a short walk though the day was fine and I ought to have taken a long one.
Afternoon at home quietly. Read the greater part of the Dedication to Stigliz and was much struck with it. It deserves study, not reading. Price Greenleaf from Quincy called to pay me a short visit and to offer his services which I think I shall avail myself of for the purpose of the horticulture of my Father’s Estate.1
Evening. Continued reading the Canterbury Tales with the Scotsman’s Tale, with which I was much pleased. Indeed I have admired them all though I think I see a good deal of difference in them. Read over afterwards the 19th book of the Iliad, the reviews and the Spectator.
On Ezekiel Price Greenleaf, often consulted by JQA on budding fruit stocks and other horticultural matters, see vol. 2:156, 229; JQA, Diary, 5 Sept. 1831.