Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4
The day was a disagreeable one. I went to the Office as usual. My time was engrossed first by the usual Accounts which are not quite closed, and afterwards by writing the fourth number of my series, the rough draught of which was at last accomplished. It has cost me a good deal of labour. Went to the Athenaeum and took a very short walk.
In the Afternoon, finished the Treatise de Amicitia, and had two hours in which I completed the fair Copy of my Article. These lag on so much that if I do not make a desperate effort to finish them I shall not do it. There remains but one Number to embrace all I have to say. But this will cost me some trouble. I do not know that the profit is worth the trouble.
216Evening. I went down at a Meeting of the Debating Society. This had gone on so heavily that it was considered advisable to discuss the expediency of stopping it altogether. For myself though I should have been pleased to continue a really effective Society, yet I had no manner of doubt as to what should be done with this. Eloquence is not in very great favour with us if we are to judge of the total indifference to it on the part of the young men. Returned home regretting a foolishly spent Evening. Corrected my Article and read a little of the North American Review after which the Spectator.