Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4

Wednesday. 4th.

Friday. 6th.

Thursday. 5th. CFA


Thursday. 5th. CFA
Thursday. 5th.

The day was cloudy but mild. I went to the Office as usual and was occupied almost all my time in business. After looking over the large amount of my bills for the Quarter, I began to pay them and in a very short space of time disposed of the considerable sum received the other day. I also disposed of several of my father’s Accounts, and received his Dividends. These are again more than a fair average yet the bills seem to be almost inexhaustible. I think on the whole, I shall do well to make all things square in each case. The few days since the business of the year came in have been pretty thoroughly engrossed.

Dined with my Wife at Mr. Frothingham’s. Mr. Brooks, and Miss Frothingham his Niece were the only persons present. The dinner was 214tolerably agreeable although I felt the usual constraint in offering my opinions. Returned home and finished the Treatise de Senectute but as it was late I did not go on with the next, but diverged to look into the subjects of the present number of the North American Review. Continued this in the evening after spending the usual quantity of my time with my Wife and reading to her a part of the Canterbury Tales. Read an article upon Croker’s Boswell, upon Reform in England and upon the Tariff. The first I admired, the second terrified me and the third appeared to me most unusually weak for the Quarter from whence it comes.1 Finished the evening with my usual Spectators.


All were in the January issue of the North Amer. Rev. (vol. 34). The review of Croker’s edition of Boswell’s Johnson was by W. B. O. Peabody (p. 91–119); the article on “The Debate in the House of Commons on the Reform Bill” was by Edward Everett (p. 23–56); that on the tariff was by A. H. Everett (p. 178–198).