Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4

Friday. 7th.

Sunday. 9th.

Saturday. 8th. CFA


Saturday. 8th. CFA
Saturday. 8th.

Morning clear, but the wind came round East and the consequence was that it clouded and became cold. Miss Roberdeau accompanied 153me in a Chaise to town. We reached there at ten o’clock. And I immediately set about the business of collecting the Dividends due this month. This occupied me two hours as I was obliged to go to the Boylston Market. On my return, I found Mr. Conant from Weston, with whom I made a settlement of the sales of Wood at Weston last year and agreed upon a time for another sale. I hope that it will do better this Season, than it has yet done. I then went to the House to make a settlement with my Man Servant, and after this consumed the rest of the morning, in making up the Accounts. This Quarter has been unusually productive.

I went to dine at Mr. Frothingham’s, with a party of several of our own family, i.e. my Mother, Wife and Miss Roberdeau. We started early and got into Quincy before Sunset. Evening, I could do little being fatigued from my exercise. So I read the Spectator and went to bed.