Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 4

Friday. 24th.

Sunday. 26th.

Saturday. 25th. CFA


Saturday. 25th. CFA
Saturday. 25th.

Morning clear and cool with an Easterly Wind throughout the day. I went to town for the purpose of avoiding my Father’s invitation to go and see Mr. Bailey which I knew would come and place me in all the heat of an Antimasonic Conversation.1 I was engaged much as usual, though I had more time on my hands to read Mirabeau’s Ami des Hommes. I finished it once and began a review. The first book is upon Agriculture and Population, tolerably good. Returned to Quincy as usual.

Afternoon finished the fourteenth and last Philippic upon the Victory gained by the Consuls and Caesar over Antony, persuading further measures. Shortly after this, the triumvirate was formed, and Cicero fell an early victim to political expediency. This Oration is a graceful close to the series of his Oratorical labours. A series not equalled in the two thousand years which have passed since his death. I had a little time left to assort papers, which I do now at every leisure moment as my period for staying here is rapidly closing.

Evening, the ladies remained out until quite late. It was cool and I took a solitary walk. After which I continued Grimm and read the Spectator as usual.


John Bailey, currently active in Antimasonry, is identified at vol. 1:444. JQA’s intended visit to him was apparently postponed. Two days later he visited JQA at Quincy in order to request a letter to Albert Gallatin supporting Bailey’s candidacy for a professorship of Moral Philosophy at the new University of the City of New York, of which Gallatin was president of the Council. JQA, Diary, 27 June; John Bailey to JQA, 28 June; JQA to Gallatin, 11 July, LbC (both letters in Adams Papers); DAB , under Gallatin.