Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 3

Sunday. 2d.

Tuesday. 4th.

Monday. 3rd. CFA


Monday. 3rd. CFA
Monday. 3rd.

The morning commenced very mild and pleasant but did not continue so. Clouds began to collect and we had hardly started from Medford on our return before the wind became east and put a stop to all the enjoyment of Spring. Having arrived I went directly to my Office. Made an inquiry about the Horse and found he had been taken ill and as Mr. Forbes inclined to believe, would not live. This is disagreeable news. But it cannot be avoided. Morning little interrupted. Mr. Hollis called to make his Quarterly Settlement. The balance against him is still large. I was as usual obliged to take his Note. Made a settlement also of his Writ against Mrs. Bittner, and gave up his Execution for him to deal with her as he thought best. Called to see Mr. Kinsman and inquire of him about the issue of the suit against Ayer. He had not yet made the Writ; I was sorry but think on the whole that it was as well. He began directly and the Writ was made before I left the room which will decide whether this does or not go to trial.

The remainder of my time was passed in reading Marshall, with whom I feel less and less 1 pleased as I proceed. He has little independence and all reliance upon a set of authors whom he condescends to praise, without being aware of the tendency of their books against the best principles of his Countrymen. Afternoon, having compared a portion of my grandfather’s Correspondence for Mr. Sparks, I passed the remainder reading Mr. Chalmers. Mr. A. H. Everett sent me a Note to say that my Article could not appear until October which is a matter of regret to me as it will thus interfere with Mr. Quincy, but it cannot be helped.2 Evening reading Eustace to my Wife, after which Chalmers who makes me exceedingly angry.


Word omitted in MS.


Everett’s letter is missing. CFA is perhaps referring to the likelihood that President Josiah Quincy’s scheduled oration at the celebration in September of Boston’s founding would cover much of the same ground, and that in the normal course its pamphlet publication would come at about the time of the appearance of the October issue of the Review.