Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 3

Saturday 16th.

Monday. 18th.

Sunday. 17th. CFA


Sunday. 17th. CFA
Sunday. 17th.

Morning cloudy with rain in the afternoon and evening. It was warm and not exactly seasonable weather. I attended Meeting and heard Dr. Lowell preach a Sermon.1 It was not very interesting. My 135own thoughts were much occupied with the letter which my father wrote me received yesterday; and the advice which it contains.2 I have set about reading Lord Kaimes Elements of Criticism though with so many other things begun upon, I feel a little puzzled by this great diversity of things but hope in time to be able to accomplish all that I propose.

Much of my time was taken up in writing a Letter to my Mother.3 She was so low spirited in what she wrote that I think it only a duty to do what I can to assist her. I begin to suspect that all is not precisely agreeable at Washington to her, that the scene presents much she cannot admire and much she is not fond of thinking about. I aimed therefore at being light and airy in my style and at expelling blue devils from her mind. Perhaps I shall succeed as badly as heretofore for every letter I have yet written has brought me a very maussade answer.4 If so I must give up writing.

I heard Mr. Frothingham in the afternoon but was overpowered by drowsiness. The remainder of the evening was passed in reading the Continuation of the Life of Christ in Jeremy Taylor, Clarissa Harlowe to my Wife, and Lord Kaimes after she had retired.


Charles Lowell was the minister of the West Church, corner of Cambridge and Lynde streets (vol. 2:395).


11 Jan. (Adams Papers). Pursuing his suggestion that CFA read more of the theoretical writers on rhetoric, JQA had recommended Lord Kames along with The Philosophy of Rhetoric by George Campbell (2 vols., London, 1776), and the works of the Abbé le Batteux.


A reply to her letter of 27 Dec. 1829 (both in Adams Papers).


That is, sulky or cross. CFA is referring to the correspondence between them since his marriage. His efforts on this occasion seem to have been more successful; see entry for 29 Jan., below.