Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Tuesday. 24th.

Thursday 26th.

Wednesday. 25th. CFA


Wednesday. 25th. CFA
Wednesday. 25th.

Morning at the Office and in Court. Heard an Argument upon a Case relating to Nahant Hotel. As Abby had written to me yesterday, a request to come out to see her1 and I had been unable to comply, I thought I would make up for it today, and so I went out at one o’clock. The day was cold, but I had a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Brooks has been quite sick and as usual, little has been said about it. Conversation with Abby and hopes of happiness. It is matter of great gratification to me to find that I have been so well and so cheerful for so long a time, and have had very few dull forebodings such as formerly. I hope strongly though I confess I had a little return this evening. But it was only momentary and my mind made a successful effort to resist it.


Letter missing.