Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2
Morning cloudy but still pleasant. This month has been delightful and has made a material difference in the length of the winter. Attended Meeting this morning and heard Dr. Channing preach a Sermon, but not remarkable for any thing. The close of the year generally presents a fine opportunity to a meditative mood, but he would not seize it. Went to Medford in the afternoon. I have at present rather a 328distaste to it. I enjoy Abby’s society exceedingly when she is alone, and the uniformity of my spirits tends just sufficiently to curb her’s to make them agreeable. But when there are others who run her wild with unmeaning and loud nonsense, my own character is so inappropriate to these scenes as to make me feel a burden and clog. What the French call “de trop.” Gravity looks ill placed and I cannot join in it, so I pay for my pleasure now and then pretty severely. And yet I could not forego the gratification I do receive. My spirits slightly depressed.