Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Tuesday. 9th.

Thursday 11th.

Wednesday. 10th. CFA


Wednesday. 10th. CFA
Wednesday. 10th.

Parted from Abby for a short time. I could not increase the regret by a formal leave taking and so separated by surprise. She is dearer to me than ever, though she herself pretends now to doubt my feelings. I hope this parting will rather tend to produce an improvement in our mutual prospects, and at any rate if we are not to be married, it is an advisable step, for with her, the delay now wears upon me.

Rode to Boston and found the report true, that my father upon receiving some alarming intelligence from my Aunt Smith in relation to a terrible attack on my Mother of this same disease which she has been suffering from, had hurried off on Monday and I was expected to follow them immediately. I then occupied myself all the morning in arranging my affairs. It is peculiarly inconvenient to me to go at this time, but I must go. I paid my debts, and drove George with me to Quincy where I passed the afternoon in packing my trunk and preparing all things for my journey. We stopped to tea and found Mrs. Lunt and her son1 with Miss Whitney2 at the house. Took leave and returned to town to the Exchange where I took Supper, George being with me. My anxiety about my mother a little diminished by the favourable letters received this morning from Aunt Smith and John’s wife.3


Presumably the Rev. William Parsons Lunt (1805–1857), Harvard 1823, and his mother, Mary (Green) Lunt (Quincy, First Church, MS Records, p. 15–19).


Mary Parsons Whitney (1810–1889), who later married Richard Cranch Greenleaf. See Adams Genealogy.


Both missing.